February 24, 2017 at 15:24
Related entries:
- 07/12/2015 - Mareschal et al, ISMB/ECCB 2015
- 02/24/2017 - cghRA
- 05/08/2017 - Mareschal et al, Bioinformatics 2017
The "Comparative Genomic Hybridization R Analysis" package is dedicated to the analysis of CGH arrays. It extends many Rgb classes and is fully compliant with this interfaced genome browser. It includes interactive interfaces to handle the whole CGH analysis, and several novel algorithms:
- the cghRA copy-calling model
- the cnvScore to detect polymorphisms
- STEPS to prioritize Minimal Common Regions (MCRs)
It can be downloaded on the CRAN website, or installed directly in R with install.packages("cghRA"). An overview of cghRA capabilities and useful advice can be found in the package vignette. See also the Rgb webpage for annotation files useful with cghRA.
- the cghRA copy-calling model
- the cnvScore to detect polymorphisms
- STEPS to prioritize Minimal Common Regions (MCRs)
It can be downloaded on the CRAN website, or installed directly in R with install.packages("cghRA"). An overview of cghRA capabilities and useful advice can be found in the package vignette. See also the Rgb webpage for annotation files useful with cghRA.